Arka Roy

Articles tagged "PHP"

Validate IBAN in PHP

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an international standard for identifying account numbers. How can we make sure that an user enters a valid IBAN?

Unparse a Parsed URL in PHP

PHP has a nice and very useful method parse_url to parse and split the url into applicable url components and return the list of component as associative array. But sometimes, you may need to reverse the process.

Download ZIP File Dynamically with PHP

We will see how we can make a webpage act as an initializer to download a zip file. We will just provide the location of the file and PHP will download it to the user. In the back-end, the HTTP headers are responsible for the download. We will set the headers with PHP.

Create File Upload Class in PHP

File upload is a very common functionality that almost all applications have. But we need to make sure that the system is smart enough to prevent malicious usage of this functionality. How can we achieve that?

Enhance File Upload Security with PHP

Allowing user to be able to upload a file is a very common functionality that developers need to implement. But how can we make sure that user would not upload anything malicious?